Eurovision 2023 Home About River Medway Tickets On The Night Sign In Contact Us

Below is some useful information for you but if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

When is it?

Thursday 11thMay

Where is the event held?

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern

What time do I need to arrive?


How do I get there?

The RVT is directly opposite Vauxhall Overground and Tube Station.

Is there parking available?

There is no parking available on site. However if you have any access requirements please email and we can ensure that we are able to accommodate your requirements.

Is there a dress code?
Anything Fabulous!

Will there be merchandise for sale?

To help raise as much money as possible we encourage you to buy your flags and party accessories from us on the night.

What is happening on the night?

On the night you can expect to be wowed by our fabulous host River Medway. We will be screening the LIVE Semi Final's, and will conclude with a DJ and Dancing.

What time will it finish?


Where does the money raised go?

All the money we raise from our Eurovision event will help us achieve our aim to end new cases of HIV in the UK by 2030. Your support in attending Eurovision 2023 will help us make this aim a reality.

How do I get home?

We do recommend working out your way home in advance as taxi companies will be very busy.