CLOSE Celebrating 75 Years of Anne Frank's Diary Donate Home About Auction Items Watch Our Event Contact Us
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Who we are

We are an education charity that empowers 10- to 15-year-olds to challenge all forms of prejudice, inspired by the life and work of Anne Frank.

Anne Frank is uniquely powerful as a catalyst for learning and reflection about prejudice. Through our programmes, young people gain the knowledge, motivation and skills to make a real difference. 

We focus on 10- to 15-year-olds because they can relate to Anne, and because this age is crucial to the formation of values and beliefs.

Founded in 1991, we have 30 years of expertise in anti-prejudice education. Our highly skilled, passionate staff offer three strands of learning:

Online learning - open to all, including free learning resources and live online events.

Our schools programme - for whole-class groups in primary or secondary schools. In our workshops, we use Anne Frank’s experience of antisemitism as the springboard for understanding prejudice of all kinds today. Through our peer education, we empower young people to share their learning across their school.

Anne Frank Ambassadors - young people who take their education further, whom we train to disseminate their anti-prejudice message in their communities and online

Our reach

In 2021 we reached 41,433 young people. We worked in 135 schools, with 8,327 workshop participants. We trained 1,769 peer guides and 234 Anne Frank Ambassadors. Our peer guides reached 12,932 young people. 

Our online webinars reach 20,174 young people, and we delivered to 640 schools online.  

Our impact

92.5% of young people aged 11-16 who took part in our programmes progress in their attitudes towards at least one group of people different from themselves.

71% of young people make significant progress in knowledge about prejudice and the harm it can cause.

67% of young people maintain their improved attitudes 18 months to 2 years after completing the programme.