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Raised so far: £18,407

Bid with your heart and deep pockets and share feverishly!

Last August, Gary Street, underwent a planned heart bypass operation. Unfortunately, complications led to a blood clot on his brain, and he suffered a massive stroke. The following four weeks in intensive care revealed extensive damage affecting speech, breathing, and movement. Paralyzed on his right side with impaired vocal cords, Gary faced additional challenges, including a lung infection, an emergency tracheotomy and sepsis. He was unable to swallow, speak or move.

Despite a grim prognosis, Gary, showing typical courage and determination, fought back. After six months in four different hospitals, he’s relearned swallowing, regained mobility in paralyzed limbs, developed core strength, and begun walking short distances. As his condition has improved, his humour and mischievous personality have resurfaced. He’s still in there!

Now with discharge under consideration, Gary will need ongoing therapy and support. His vocal cords remain paralyzed, limiting his airway and compromising his breathing when moving around. Nerve damage in his left arm and hand causes pain, significantly impacting his day to day living skills his independence, not to mention his ability to balance a chair on his forehead!  Although he is unable to form many words, he's found a unique way to express himself, entertaining others with expressive eyebrows.

The future is uncertain for Gary Street. While he has surpassed doctors' expectations, the chance of full recovery remains unknown. Daily intensive physiotherapy, along with speech and occupational therapy, is essential to continue his progress. Upon discharge, he faces a two-year wait for speech therapy and a four-month wait for physiotherapy.

That’s why we are reaching out to rally around Gary, his wife Helen and their two boys to help fund these services so that Gary's relentless fight for recovery can continue immediately as he leaves the hospital. Additionally, funds raised will contribute towards ensuring Gary can become as independent as possible with any further equipment needed and home adjustments as necessary.

Bid generously friends and from the heart!

The Silent Auction closes on 28 March 2024 at 6.00 pm

Thank you.
Street's Ahead Fundraising Committee
